Everybody and his or her dog reckons they know how GPs work. They don't need to ask us before providing new systems 'cos they already know what we do. They don't need to ask us if the new system will work. Of course it will work. Could anything be more simple? Well let's see.
The "Choose & Book" system had a cleverly designed form that it printed for us to give to patients. It provided them with their reference number, the information they need to contact the hospital of their choice and finally their password. The minimum amount of information requires about eleven inches of text. For those of us in the world of "A4" that's one sheet of paper for the first nine inches of text plus one sheet of paper for the remain two inches. There's lots of white spaces so it could have been condensed with a just molecule or two of design. Now after five hundred referrals and five hundred sheets of (almost) blank paper, we were delighted? to see that they have redesigned the form. Some bright spark at CfH has discovered Text Boxes. Yippeee.
Now two sheets of paper have become three. The second has a little bit of writing. The third has a couple of lines or so.