Be Careful What You Wish For!
I guess everybody now knows the "old Chinese proverb":
Be careful what you wish for;
it may be granted.
A fair number of people must be hoping that the Tories do win the election that can be no more than six weeks away. Let's just suppose they do. Then what?
Trouble, that's what!! Big trouble.
The present lot have presided over and implemented the most right-wing policies ever experienced since the NHS was founded sixty two years ago. They have done so consistently ever since Tony Blah "discovered" health in 2000 (when a junior minister lost a "safe" seat in Kidderminster to a doctor who campaigned solely on keeping the local hospital open).
Now think of Charlie Whelan (a.k.a. Charlie Marx) running the Unite trade union and close fried of Gordon (you know ... "the safest pair of hands we've ever known as a Chancellor" - that Gordon).
Add these all together and you may understand why Labout have got away with it; the biggest privatisation of healthcare and lots more of it already signed and sealed if not delivered. Now fast forward to the second week in May ..
David Cameron walks into 10 Downing Street.
Andrew Landsley (presently shadow health sec.) walks into Richmond House, 79 Whitehall.
Guess who will be walking out?
The "free ride" enjoyed by Labour will be over. Any cuts will be an immediate political cause celébre.
I know several people who will vote Labour not because they admire them but because: